„Street Child“ vaizdo įrašas: Ebola atėmė iš jo tėvus – našlaitis pasakoja savo istoriją.

2014-11-06 15:15
Street Child speaks to Douda, a young man in Kenema, Sierra Leone, who has lost five members of his family to Ebola. Having survived the disease, he is now left to care for his younger brother and sister. To help Street Child help Ebola orphans, please visit: http://www.street-child.co.uk/donate/ Registered Charity No. 1128536 Follow and find out more about Street Child on: http://www.street-child.co.uk https://www.facebook.com/streetchildofsierraleone https://twitter.com/scosl
Temos: 2 Afrika Siera Leonė