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《殘毒餘生 Strung Out》 |2016女性影展

2016-11-23 13:43
殘毒餘生 Strung Out 妮里・阿羅尼Nirit AHARONI 2015│以色列Israel│紀錄片Documentary│B&W│DCP│110min 2015 IDFA阿姆斯特丹紀錄片影展 推開「希望之門」,一排床上或坐或躺著幾個深陷毒癮而不成人形的女子,她們是生活在特拉維夫街頭的底層妓女,僅以販賣潰爛不堪的身體求生存,養那難以戒除的毒癮。唯有在這由志願者建立起的庇護所,她們得以好好地吃飯、洗澡、休息、睡覺。這部黑白紀錄片捕捉了她們最脆弱無助的面貌、稍縱即逝的清醒片刻,以及黑暗中移動獵索的身影,同時也是導演對於自我身世的探索。 In a dingy building in Tel Aviv lies a shelter for drug-addicted prostitutes, no demands are made of the women; they can rest. In this raw debut shot in grainy black-and-white, director Nirit Aharoni films the women at their most vulnerable moments. She gets in close at intimate moments, but she films from a distance when they are hustling on the grim streets of nocturnal Tel Aviv. Taking her time, the director works her way ever deeper into the women’s lives and discovers many things about herself along the way. 台北華山 2 廳 10/14(五)11:50 台北華山 2 廳 10/22(六)20:40 ☆
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