Virtual Reality Art Brought by Christian Lemmerz

2017-08-29 14:11
Christian Lemmerz’s La Apparizione, produced earlier this year, aims to disrupt stereotypes of religious imagery, engaging the viewer in a discomforting, close-up experience with a burning corpse of Jesus Christ, which ‘rains’ embers. Jesus and other religious personages have figured in the artist’s work before, and ‘Bodybuilder’ Jesus first appeared in Lemmerz’s oeuvre in 2013 in sculpture form. Here, he comes alive in death, his rippling muscles writh- ing in agony, dripping golden blood into the physical space of the viewer. The aim of this VR work is to enhance the relationship the viewer forms with the imagery; its beauty, excess, death and pain. Paul McCarthy & Christian Lemmerz, New Media (Virtual Reality Art) 12 May - 27 August 2017 Faurschou Foundation, Fondazione Cini, Venice
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