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Won Hwa Do Rebirth 2016 (원화도의 새로운 탄생)

2017-06-30 13:51
Won Hwa Do is a traditional martial art that has been dormant in the United Kingdom for the last 5 years but is making a steady come back. All of it's techniques are based on circular movements that vary in speed, direction and have unique functional dynamics. After the passing of its founder Grand Master Han Bon Ki, Won Hwa Do has endured a difficult period of existence. With less than 20 active instructors world wide, Won Hwa Do went from one of the quickest growing martial arts to something in danger of fading from existence. 3 Instructors are determined to bring about Won Hwa Do's Rebirth. We held a seminar in Hyde Park to celebrate the new beginning for Won Hwa Do in the United Kingdom Song: Lykke Li, Never Gonna Love Again Instructor Song, Instructor Stefan and Instructor Jaro taught a seminar in Hyde Park England for the next generation of Won Hwa Do. Credit to Mark Edward Hanna for filming and editing. His website is His instagram: @hyunguns
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