You can't park there, idiot.

2017-04-21 11:18
Driving around, watching idiots once again. (Comments disabled - way too many notifications for just everyone bitching at each other) Watch this video about pedestrians crossing illegally, and what can happen: The Jaywalker, gets away unharmed, and the guy is left to pay for damages, pay for his hospital treatment - just because a stupid pedi ran across the street. Media Response: Jaywalking is a $250 dollar fine where I live. Jaywalking is: 1) If you are crossing or attempting to cross the road and you are outside of the crosswalk. 2) If you are crossing, or attempting to cross the road when the "Do Not Walk" is lit or flashing, or if you are facing a red light. Regarding the guy in the rental Charger: When I say "you're on 17th ave" - I'm referring to our "bar strip" in town, lots of people, cars, etc - and this dink is driving like an absolute idiot down the road, gunning it, swerving, trying to be cool. Notice the douche lean. Ride Safe. YouTube Community Guidelines State: You may not like everything you see. Some of the content here may offend you... then consider just clicking on something else—why waste time watching videos you don't like?
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