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„Victoria's Secret“ pristatė naująją „Fantasy Bra“ liemenėlę už 3 mln. dolerių

Seksualiųjų apatinių prekės ženklas „Victoria's Secret“ pristatė šiųmetinę „Fantasy Bra“ liemenėlę, kuri taps pagrindine artėjančio kasmetinio šou pažiba. Šio juvelyrinio šedevro vertė – 3 mln. JAV dolerių (2,7 mln. eurų).
Jasmine Tookes su 3 mln. JAV dolerių kainuojančia „Fantasy Bra“ liemenėle
Jasmine Tookes su 3 mln. JAV dolerių kainuojančia „Fantasy Bra“ liemenėle / „Victoria's Secret“ nuotr.

Garbė demonstruoti brangiąją „Fantasy Bra“ liemenėlę „Bright Night“ šiemet patikėta amerikietei Jasmine Tookes (25 m.).

Paskelbdami, kuris iš „angelų“ šiemet pristatys „Fantasy Bra“ liemenėlę, „Victoria's Secret“ išplatino ir vaizdo įrašą, kuriame užfiksuota akimirka, kai pati Jasmine Tookes apie tai sužino.

„Man tokia didelė garbė prisijungti prie grupės moterų, kurios yra ikonos, ir kurias stebėdama aš užaugau“, – sakė Jasmine Tookes.

Brangiąsias „Victoria's Secret“ „Fantasy Bra“ liemenėles yra demonstravę tokie modeliai kaip Gisele Bundchen, Heidi Klum, Tyra Banks, Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Miranda Kerr ir kt.

„Victoria's Secret“ nuotr./Jasmine Tookes su 3 mln. JAV dolerių kainuojančia „Fantasy Bra“ liemenėle
„Victoria's Secret“ nuotr./Jasmine Tookes su 3 mln. JAV dolerių kainuojančia „Fantasy Bra“ liemenėle

Štai čia galite pažiūrėti vaizdo įrašą, kaip Jasmine Tookes sužino, kad ji buvo atrinkta demonstruoti „Fantasy Bra“ liemenėlę ir pamatyti jos nuostabą bei džiaugsmą:

Words can not express my excitement for this day. I have been waiting 5 months to share this amazing news with you! As a little girl every year I would sit and watch the vsfs and would always say to myself and my family one day I will be up there. I worked my ass off to be able to accomplish that goal and that dream came true 5 years ago. Never in a million years did I imagine myself wearing a 3 million dollar fantasy bra. It blows my mind that I am joining a list of women(Tyra, Gisele & Heidi) who I have looked up to my whole life and it is truly an honor to follow in their footsteps. It is also a milestone for Victoria's Secret to have a woman of color wearing the bra this year because there have only been two in the past & I am so happy to represent that for the brand and women out there. I hope that I can be as much of an inspiration to young girls as these girls were for me. Every time I see this video I begin to cry... this truly means the world to me and it is proof that with hard work, dedication & a positive attitude that you can accomplish anything you want in your life. @ed_razek I don't know how many more times I can thank you but I'm going to be saying it again and again for a very long time☺️ THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.. You have made my childhood dreams come true over and over again. I still pinch myself everyday!!!! The day this was announced you really got me ???? I was so overwhelmed with emotion and love from my whole VS family. I love you all so much!!! Also, a huge thank you to all my girls and @imgmodels @sbermood For being the most supportive and loving people out there. I couldn't do this without you all!! Thanks again to @ed_razek, Monica Mitro & everyone at Victoria's Secret for giving me your constant support!!!!

A video posted by Jasmine Tookes (@jastookes) on

....continued ????

A video posted by Jasmine Tookes (@jastookes) on

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