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Mirė „Auklė Makfi“ aktorius Raphaelis Colemanas: sveikata nesiskundusiam vaikinui buvo 25-eri

Netikėtai mirė 2005 metų filmo „Auklė Makfi“ aktorius Raphaelis Colemanas. Vaikinui, neturėjusiam jokių rimtų sveikatos problemų, buvo vos 25-eri, praneša
Raphaelis Colemanas
Raphaelis Colemanas / „Twitter“ ir Vida Press nuotr.

Apie jauno aktoriaus mirtį socialiniame tinkle pranešė jo patėvis Carstenas Jensenas. Pasak jo, R.Colemano gyvybė užgeso penktadienį, vasario 7 d. – jis nualpo ir jo nebepavyko atgaivinti.

R.Colemanas žinomas dėl vaidmens 2005 metų filme „Auklė Makfi“, kuriame pagrindinį personažą įkūnijo aktorė Emma Thompson.

„Ilsėkis ramybėje, mano mylimas sūnau Raphaeli Colemanai, dar žinomas kaip Iggy Fox, – tviteryje rašė aktoriaus mama Liz Jensen. – Jis mirė darydamas tai, ką mėgo, dirbdamas dėl kilniausio tikslo. Juo šeima negali labiau didžiuotis. Švęskime tai, ką jis pasiekė per savo trumpą gyvenimą ir puoselėkime jo palikimą.“

„Mirti jaunam, – įrašą feisbuke pradėjo mirusio aktoriaus patėvis. – Tikriausiai niekas apie mirtį kaip neteisingą ir beprasmę pagalvoti labiau nepriverčia kaip jauno žmogaus mirtis. (…) Jis nualpo būdamas sveikas per kelionę ir jo nebepavyko atgaivinti. Pažinojau Raphą nuo šešerių ir mudu buvome labai artimi.“

Pasivadinęs Iggy Fox, R.Colemanas valdė klimato aktyvistų judėjimo „Extinction Rebellion“ socialinių tinklų paskyras ir kalbėjo demonstracijose. Kaip rašo, vaikinas – vienas aktyviausių grupės narių – ne kartą buvo areštuotas policijos.

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ARREST IS NOT THE GOAL - putting the fire out is. I've met too many who seem to think you can only join @extinctionrebellion if you're prepared to risk arrest, or worse, that you're only valuable to the movement in handcuffs. It couldn't be further from the truth. . For every #XRebel arrested at actions, at least ten more are vital parts of the movement. This one is to remind you of the people the cameras ignore - from the rest of the @XRSnowflakes affinity group who helped with this action, to the regen reps, the arrestee support teams, the marchers, speakers, logistics teams, media reps, community organisers, trainers, photographers and so much more. Without them, these actions aren't possible. . After many months of careful thought, I came to the difficult but certain conclusion I was prepared to use my privilege and risk arrest. In the end it happened for an action I believed in, not just to prove the point I was willing to risk my liberty, but to bring a strong message of dissent, and for a cause I felt passionately about: Latin America's people, wildlife, and ecosystems. My heart warms to see Rebels around the world also taking action outside Brazilian embassies, calling to stop the Amazon fires, extraction and genocide of Indigenous peoples. . Even then, I spent many months on actions without being arrested. I still know I am more valuable to the movement using my skills to tell stories than I am in cuffs. . If the fires have worried you or made you angry, if you've bothered to read all this to understand why I was willing to go so far, consider joining us on the streets this October 7th for the Rebellion without Borders. This is an emergency. We need everyone, arrestable or not, to fight with us for a brighter future. Come and stand with us on the right side of history, and whether we succeed or fail, you'll be able to look your children in the eye and say that you did all you could. Sign up at Www. . No more indigenous blood - not one drop. #Nenhumaagotamais We will not rest until justice and ecology are restored to Brasil. Ninguem vai se render - no one is giving in. . #amazonas #amazonfires #DefendaAmazonia

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Po vaidmens filme „Aulkė Makfi“, R.Colemanas taip pat pasirodė 2009-ųjų amerikiečių siaubo filme „It’s Alive“, trumpametražiame filme „Edward’s Turmoil“ bei psichologiname trileryje „The Fourth Kind“.

Sulaukęs pilnametystės jis išvyko į Tailandą, kur įgyvendino savo svajonę ir tapo biologu. Prieš prisidėdamas prie „Extinction Rebellion“, R.Colemanas tapo kvalifikuotu nardytoju.

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THIS IS NOT A HAPPY PICTURE - follow the link in my bio to see the full video story for @thewildwork. I'm proud of the animal rehabilitation work I do. But the reality is that this picture is only possible because of the trauma and abuse this animal suffered in the illegal wildlife trade. . Meet Biton. He's a rescued alpha male red howler monkey. He lives and is cared for in semi-captivity at Ambue Ari wildlife sanctuary and rehabilitation centre, run by Bolivian NGO Comunidad @Inti_Wara_Yassi. Although Biton does this of his own accord with bonded keepers, it's only achievable safely with extensive training, study and experience. Do NOT buy into animal attractions, wildlife ownership and tourist 'animal selfie' culture. This is exactly what put Biton here in the first place. . An ideal world is one where this kind of picture is never taken, because wildlife rehab isn't necessary. A world where monkeys, Jaguars, rhinos, elephants, pangolins, and all the rest are safe, free from exploitation and abuse. . The way we reach that world is by: - getting educated about the illegal wildlife trade and telling people about it - finding out where the stuff you buy comes from: is the source legal? Ethical? Sustainable? Fair? - REFUSING to buy wild animals and plants. . No pets, no parts, no gifts - leave them in nature, where they belong. . Have you ever seen evidence of suspected animal trafficking or abuse? Tell us about it below ⬇️ . #wildlifecrime #animalselfie

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