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Justinas Stanislovaitis feat. Nanami Honda - Dangus空

2021-02-01 10:12
▼Click Here ▼ Official Justin 3 merchandise store: Listen more of Justin 3 Music: iTunes: Spotify: Deezer: Amazon: LastFm: Our links: ------------------------------------ LYRICS: Gal mes pakilsim. (Maybe we'll ascend) Pamatę žemę iš dangaus sustingsim (Seeing earth from the sky we'll freeze) Supratę tai ko niekad nesupratom, (Understanding what we never understood) Išvydę tai ko niekada nematom (Seeing what we never could) 凛と立ち 空からこの地球(ほし)を見たい (I want to see the earth from heaven, standing dignifiedly) 知りえなかった全てを知って (To understand what I could never understand) 見えなかった全てが見えて (To see what I could never see) Ten kur išminčiai mintis slėpė, (There were, the wise men hid their thoughts) Kažkur virš debesų (Somewhere between the clouds) 賢者が 想いを隠した 雲の上 (Above the clouds where the wise man hid his thoughts) Chorus: Tarp Pilių (Between the castles) Virš Debesų (Above the clouds) Mes kartu, mes kartu (We're together, we're together) 城の間 空の向こう (Between the castles, over the clouds) 共に 共に (Together, together) ——————————————— Verse 2: Nors nežinojom (We didn't know) Tačiau beviltiškai ilgai ieškojom, (But we were desperately searching) Ir ta pasaulio begalybė, ( that ethernety of the world) Kurios taip niekada ir neištyrėm (Which we never understood) 無知なまま 探した 絶望を越えたいから (Even though I remained ignorant, I started looking for it to overcome despair) ただ無限に広がる世界で (In the infinite world) まだ見ぬ広大な世界で (In the wide infinite world that I had never explored) Ten, kur slaptos runos žėri, (There were, the secret runes shine) Kur žmonės slėpė gėrį (Where good tried to hide) あの輝く神秘の隠し場所 (The place, shining mystery stash) Chorus: Tarp Pilių (Between the castles) Virš Debesų (Above the clouds) Mes kartu, mes kartu (We're together, we're together) 城の間 空の向こう (Between the castles, over the clouds) 共に 共に (Together, together) ———————————————
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