"Somewhere There's War" / "Kusagil on sõda" / "Десь там війна" / "Где-то там война"
Lugu sündis 25. veebruari öösel aastal 2022 /
The song was born on the night of February 25th, 2022
Laul on peagi kuulatav ka kõigis voogedastuskanalites / The song soon available on streaming platforms
Anna Hints - režissöör / director
Mari Kalkun - muusika, sõnad / music, lyrics
Ants Tammik - operaator, värvikorrektsioon /cinematographer, color correction
Tushar Prakash - online montaaž / online editor
Taavo Teras - helisalvestus / live recording
Martin Kikas - heli kokkumäng / mix
Kersti Niglas - jumestus, soeng / make up, hair
Marili Jõgi - produktsiooni assistent / production assistant
Margus Tammik - graafiline disain / graphic design
Natali Mällo - dokumentatsioon / making of
Salvestus on tehtud 3. märtsil Mari kodustuudios Võrumaal, Eestis /
The recording was made on 3rd March at Mari´s home studio in Võrumaa, Estonia
Täname / Thank you!
Gunnar Laal - Cinerama OÜ, Triinu Pungits, Tom Sherlock, Sam Lee, Roland Seer, Siim Parisoo, Tiit Kõlli
Aitäh kogu võttetiimile, kes pühendasid oma aega. Aitäh hea pere.
Sincere thanks to the whole team for dedicating your time. Thank you dear family.
Mõr Ukraini! Slava Ukraini!
Toeta: https://www.ukrainaheaks.ee
Support: https://supportukrainenow.org/donate
Somewhere There´s War
M. Kalkun / M. Kalkun
Somewhere there´s war
But far from me
Somebody´s torn
On a battlefield
A baby cries
But it´s not mine
Somebody dies
But it´s not me
Can you still feel?
Can you still feel?
Somewhere there´s war
It´s at my home
My brother´s torn
On a battlefield
A baby cries
Ah, it´s my child!
Somebody dies
Oh look, it´s me
Can I still feel
Can I still feel
Can I still feel
Can I still feel
To be a man
Does it mean to fight?
To close my heart
And have no fright
A human
A human
A human
When I was a child
I looked up the sky
I used to feel
My mind is free
My mind is free
My mind is free
Your mind is free
Your mind is free