Tipping Fast Food Workers $100

2014-07-30 15:16
Subscribe for more! ► http://bit.ly/simpsubcr After our charitable donation was returned, we decided pay that money forward to people who need it most. Watch what happens when we tip fast food workers. We'll be doing a string of videos like this one in the coming months. To see the original fundraiser that started it all, click here: http://youtu.be/OzC4SSPrx6w -- Watch us live life in GOD MODE: http://www.youtube.com/simplepickup2 -- Like our Facebook for hilarious daily updates: http://facebook.com/simplepickup -- GET BLOOPERS & EXTRAS HERE: http://tinyurl.com/mk5c8yg -- Check out our instagrams: http://instagram.com/jesseisbrown http://instagram.com/kong408 http://instagram.com/jasonrobert5 -- Tweet us: http://twitter.com/simplepickup http://twitter.com/kong408 http://twitter.com/jasonrobert55
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